factory rescue jam museum voice

"Give me my propers, baby, when you get home."
- Aretha Franklin.

Astounding Websites - webchick rants.
A conversation on R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
09.01.00 - Reminded of 0sil8
08.31.00 - The "N" Word
08.31.00 - Backgrounds and the like
08.31.00 - Not surprised at all
08.28.00 - Astounding new design???

"Copyright on Web Interfaces" @ /.
09.02.00 - voiced by webchick.

"mighty hyperlinked brain"
09.02.00 - voiced by Suzanne.

"[This] might help Userland >:]..."
09.01.00 - voiced by Mike Donellan.

"Sounds like programming to me..."
08.31.00 - voiced by Greg Franklin.

"Copyright, Creativity."
08.31.00 - voiced by xblog.

"Credit where it's due."
08.31.00 - voiced by metagnat.

"Exactly how I've felt all along."
08.31.00 - voiced by josh.

"The theft epidemic."
08.31.00 - voiced by zeldman.

+ our voices R-E-S-P-E-C-T +

The medium is NOT the message.